Sunday, October 13, 2013

Baby Dumping

Nowadays, our country has grown either in terms of the economy, the political social or in the tide of modernization and globalization. Today, the name of Malaysia is well-known on the world stage. As Malaysians, we should be proud of the success that are minted by the Malaysian in all over the world. However, behind the glory, Malaysians still haunted with social diseases that have long nested in our society, namely the problem of abandoned babies or baby dumping. This problem keep increasing day by day, non-stop and usually happens among teenagers. The question is , what are the factors of this problem because there must be a reason behind every problem. Why this could happen?

In this case, we can not deny that the lack of religious education is one of the main reasons the case of baby dumping. The lack of religious education and a guide in their life caused them to lose direction in life then involved in negative symptoms, such as free lifestyle without boundaries which in turn leads to the birth of children born out of wedlock. In such situations, the teen without any religious education would be inhumane and left the newborn in places such as public toilets, trash cans, side drains without thinking twice.

In addition, the authorities, especially the police should combat the distribution of obscene materials from access by members of the public, especially teenagers. The authorities should also impose penalties more severe and heavier prison for life to those who are found guilty. This should be done to make teenagers feel fear to do or get involved with all the negative issues. They will also be careful while mingling and avoid a relationship that goes beyond religious restrictions. The emphasis on education is also important for alerting the community especially the youth so that they don't get caught up in social problems involving crime.

Furthermore, the attitude of a society that likes to criticize and give punishment also causes social problems this caused. When one young female birth out of wedlock, the local community tend to insulting the her and her family too! There are no mercy in their eyes. Indirectly, the youth will also be considered degrading his family. In order to take care of her own image as well as the family in the society eyes, they will take the easy way with dumping their baby to avoid from being humiliated to the end of their life.

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